PC Shareware 1997 February
PC Shareware 1997-02.iso
Text File
216 lines
Type Sash From Label
Dim p_FullDrag As Boolean
Dim A As Window
Dim B As Window
Property FullDrag Get getFullDrag Set setFullDrag As Long
Dim Markup As SashMarkup
Dim rx As Single
' METHODS for object: Sash
Function getFullDrag as Long
getFullDrag = p_FullDrag
End Function
Sub setFullDrag(value as Long)
p_FullDrag = value
If value == False Then Setup
End Sub
Sub Setup()
If p_FullDrag Then
If Parent <> Nothing Then
dim cache as long
cache = Parent.Controls.EvalRequires
Parent.Controls.EvalRequires = "MatchNone"
Parent.Controls.EvalRequires = cache
If Markup == Nothing Then
Markup = EmbedObject(Parent, SashMarkup, UniqueEmbedName(Parent, "SashMarkup"))
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
End Type
Type VSash From Sash
' METHODS for object: VSash
Sub MouseDown(button As Integer, shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If button == 1 Then
App.AutoBusySignal = False
If p_FullDrag Then
rx = x
Markup.Start(Me, x)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub MouseMove(button As Integer, shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If button == 1 Then
If p_FullDrag Then
Left = Left - rx + x
A.Width = Left - A.Left
B.Move(Left + Width, B.Top, (B.Left + B.Width) - (Left + Width), B.Height)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub MouseUp(button As Integer, shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If button == 1 Then
If p_FullDrag Then
Left = Markup.SashL
A.Width = Left - A.Left
B.Move(Left + Width, B.Top, (B.Left + B.Width) - (Left + Width), B.Height)
End If
App.AutoBusySignal = True
End If
End Sub
End Type
Type HSash From Sash
' METHODS for object: HSash
Sub MouseDown(button As Integer, shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If button == 1 Then
App.AutoBusySignal = False
If p_FullDrag Then
rx = y
Markup.Start(Me, y)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub MouseMove(button As Integer, shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If button == 1 Then
If p_FullDrag Then
Top = Top - rx + y
A.Height = Top - A.Top
B.Move(B.Left, Top + Height, B.Width, (B.Top + B.Height) - (Top + Height))
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub MouseUp(button As Integer, shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If button == 1 Then
If p_FullDrag Then
Top = Markup.SashT
A.Height = Top - A.Top
B.Move(B.Left, Top + Height, B.Width, (B.Top + B.Height) - (Top + Height))
End If
App.AutoBusySignal = True
End If
End Sub
End Type
Type SashMarkup From MarkupLayer
Dim SashR As Single
Dim SashT As Single
Dim SashB As Single
Dim SashL As Single
Dim rx As Single
Dim Hsash As Long
' METHODS for object: SashMarkup
Sub FindSashMarkup(sash as Sash)
sash.Markup = Me
End Sub
Sub Finish
Rectangle(SashL, SashT, SashR, SashB)
Enabled = False
End Sub
Sub MoveRect(x as single)
If Hsash Then
Dim dx, Sashheight as single
dx = rx - x
Rectangle(SashL, SashT, SashR, SashB)
Sashheight = SashB - SashT
SashT = SashT - dx
SashB = SashT + Sashheight
Rectangle(SashL, SashT, SashR, SashB)
rx = x
Dim dx, Sashwidth as single
dx = x - rx
Rectangle(SashL, SashT, SashR, SashB)
Sashwidth = SashR - SashL
SashL = SashL + dx
SashR = SashL + Sashwidth
Rectangle(SashL, SashT, SashR, SashB)
rx = x
End If
End Sub
Sub Start(sash as Sash, relx as single)
Enabled = True
Move(0, 0, Parent.ScaleWidth, Parent.ScaleHeight)
If TypeOf sash Is HSash Then Hsash = True Else Hsash = False
SashL = sash.Left
SashT = sash.Top
SashR = SashL + sash.Width
SashB = SashT + sash.Height
rx = relx
Rectangle(SashL, SashT, SashR, SashB)
End Sub
End Type
Begin Code
' Reconstruction commands for object: Sash
With Sash
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.BorderStyle := "Fixed Single"
.p_FullDrag := False
.A := Nothing
.B := Nothing
.FullDrag := 0
.Markup := Nothing
.rx := 0
End With 'Sash
' Reconstruction commands for object: VSash
With VSash
.MousePointer := "Size W E"
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
End With 'VSash
' Reconstruction commands for object: HSash
With HSash
.MousePointer := "Size N S"
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
End With 'HSash
' Reconstruction commands for object: SashMarkup
With SashMarkup
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.SashR := 0
.SashT := 0
.SashB := 0
.SashL := 0
.rx := 1
.Hsash := -1
.DrawMode := "Xor Pen"
.DrawColor := 0
End With 'SashMarkup
End Code